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Congratulations to the
new graduates of the Department!
December 13, 1999
Our current senior residents Dr. Stephen Nazareth and Dr.
Dexter Anthony Grino are all set to graduate and embark on their respective
Urologic careers. Lets wish them the best of luck in all their
Congratulations to the new PBU
Diplomates and PUA Members
December 6, 1999
Three alumni of the NKTI Department of Urology have successfully passed the Philippine Board of Urology Certification
The successful candidates from the Department are Dr. Jose
Benito Abraham, Dr. Andres Marrero and Dr. Emmanuel Sebastian. Dr.
Abraham in particular ranked
number 5 both in the Part I and Part II. Dr. Perez is practicing at the
Urology Center of the Philippines Inc in Kalayaan Rd, QC; Dr. Marrero is
practicing in Baguio while Dr. Sebastian is practicing in Zamboanga.
They were granted their certificates during the Fellowship Night of the
US/Japan/Philippines "International Urology" Tripartite Meeting in
conjunction with the Philippine Urological Association's 47th Annual Scientific
Meeting held at the Galleria Suites, Mandaluyong City.
The 1st
Annual Fellowship
Meeting of the NKTI Urology Alumni Association presents the new officers of the
Dec 6, 1999
The 1st Annual Fellowship Meeting of the NKTIUAA was held in syncrony
with the Philippine Urological Association's Annual Convention on December 4. The
2nd batch of officers were formally elected. The new officers are as
President: Jaime S.D. Songco, M.D.
Vice President: Francisco T. Agustin, M.D.
Secretary: Genlinus D. Yusi, M.D.
Treasurer: Jose Benito V. Abraham, M.D.
Council Members:
Pedro F. Tingson, M.D.
Luis N. Florencio Jr, M.D.
Freddie Y. Sy, M.D.
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