National Kidney &
Transplant Institute Urology Alumni Association (NKTIUAA))
The NKTIUAA is a newly formed non-profit and non-stock corporation whose
objectives are:
- To promote fellowship among the Urology alumni, residents and consultants of the
National Kidney and Transplant Institute.
- To support and enhance the training of urologists at the National Kidney and Transplant
- To provide a network of communication and interaction among the graduates and with the
National Kidney and Transplant Institute Department of Urology.
- To support the activities of the Philippine Urological
Association, Inc and the Philippine Urology Residents Association.
- To safeguard the professional interests and welfare of its members.
The association will be composed of several committees. Among
these include committees that are in charge of organizing and obtaining the resources for
the bi-annual Fellowship meetings which will coincide with the Philippine Urological
Association's Mid-Year and Annual conventions. One of the more important committees
is the PBU Review Committee whose goal it is to aid new graduates of the training program
in their review for the Philippine Board of Urology certification exams, by providing
review materials, lectures, and workshops.
This web page will serve to keep the alumni, faculty and residents of
the NKTI Urology program in constant touch through announcements in this web site and
through the NKTI Urology Mailing List and chat pages.
The association has just met for the 2nd time.
Priority for the next few months is the SEC registration as a
non-stock/non-profit association.
the By-Laws
(Rev 12/1999)
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